Rex McFadden

Early in his life, Rex was very involved in the family farm in Olton, which gave him the aspirations for some of the businesses he started later in life. As a local business owner, he owned and operated Shur Gro Irrigation, Well-Frac, Rex McFadden Co, Sky Tex Rigs and DCP. During the 1980s he was a partner in DCP who bought and sold drilling equipment for
the oil field as well as drilled in the gulf with an offshore rig named Big John.

Rex was very instrumental in bringing the first Valley Center pivots to West Texas. With Shur Gro Irrigation he sold and installed center pivots all over the plains of Texas. He later advanced with technology started by Du Pont and developed acids and other products for fracing irrigation wells to
increase production; some of this technology was also used in the oil fields.

Rex drilled irrigation wells all over the plains, and could tell you where there was water and where there wasn't. He designed and built pipe elevators for water and oil drilling rigs that are still being sold all over the world as Sky Rex Elevators.


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